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Title: AIS information

In the iNavX, when you point at a vessel to check its AIS information, a ballon is popped up. the dimensions of the vessel as well as the draft are in feet. Is there any way to see this information in meters ?

Thank you
Ericson 28
Sandusky Bay
Yes. When the chart is displayed select the Settings button (looks like a gear) in the upper right hand corner. Select "Units" button in the upper left hand corner. Select 'm' for Sub Distance.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for the information. Now I read it in meters . However, the drag and mensure tool when less than 1 nm, is reading in meters as well, when the ideal is to show tenth of mile or cables. My suggestion would be that both are dissociated, because they are really important information for a sailor. Sub distance in tenth of mile and vessel data in meters. That's the way we use in many parts of the world.
Ericson 28
Sandusky Bay

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