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Title: ShipModul-2USB
I have been using GPSNavX on my G4 ibook for four years with great success. I recently purchased a ShipModul MiniPlex-2USB multiplexer and I connected my Tacktick system, GPS and AIS so I could they could be connected to my Mac by the USB connection.

After I connected the USB cable to my Mac and opened GPSNavX I opened the instrument panel and checked the MiniPlex in the Settings box but nothing showes up. What have I done wrong?

Assuming you have installed the FTDI driver (linked in MacENC help in GPS section).

What port have you selected in the GPS panel Settings drawer? I believe rate should be 38,400, type should be Other. In the Instruments panel Settings drawer make sure "Use GPS Port" is checked.

Both the GPS panel and the Instruments panel need to be open.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I installed the FTDIUBSerialdriver-v2-1-10-dmg driver that came on the MiniPlex-2UB disk that came with the multiplexer before I connected the USB cable to my mac.

I opened GPSNavX and then the GPS Panel and the Instruments Panel.

On the GPS Panel, I chose the following: Type - Garmin; Port - MiniPlex-21001293; and Rate - 38400. The GPS did not connect.

On the Instruments Panel, I chose the following: checked the Use GPS Port; Port - MiniPlex-21001293; and Rate - 38400. Again, there was no connection.

The MiniPlex shows up in both panels but the red dot shows no connection.

In my System Preferences panel, under Network, USB-Serialcontroller shows as a modem and as not connected.

Any ideas?

Email me @ gpsnavx at mac dot com so I can assist you further.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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