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Title: PolarView and OS 10.9.2
After updating my OS to Mavericks I'm no longer able to open PolarView.

I searched for any PV updates but couldn't find anything.

Does anyone have any experience with this and advice on how to rectify?


Solomon Islands
What error message, if any, does it give?

Perhaps PolarView is not signed for the GateKeeper security in Mavericks:

In your System Preferences, select Security & Privacy and then set "Mac App Store and identified developers" in the General Tab.
Then open PolarView while holding down the Control key. Choose "Open" from the context pop-up menu.
This will allow you to selectively open unsigned applications.

Hope this helps!
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 Jon Longworth

Thank you for the response.

No error is given. PV just won't open. Initial icon appears and the Mac beach ball spins endlessly. Force Quit (reads PolarNavy not responding) to exit.

You are correct in that GateKeeper will block new install of PV, however after permitting GateKeeper and installing again from PN download (V 2.0.1), same problem.

Are you running PN with OSX 10.9?

Thank you

Solomon Islands
Hi Wade,

I use PolarCom occasionally and it runs alright.

To verify PolarView for you, I just downloaded the trial version of PolarView (NS 2.0.2) and it installs and opens without a problem on Mavericks (OS X 10.9.3 a developer copy).

At this point, I'm just guessing.
• Is there a difference between your version 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 that I downloaded from the PN site today?
• Do you have an older version of PolarView in your Applications folder?
• Are you running this on the Admin account?
• Are there other applications or utilities running at the same time?

Unless others here can help, I suggest you open a support ticket on PolarNavy's support page:
Support Ticket

Please post back with your results in case others find themselves faced with the same problem.

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 Jon Longworth

Thanks Jon,

Where are you finding and downloading from the trial PV 2.0.2?

I'm obviously overlooking something because the only version I can find is 2.0 at http://www.polarnavy.com/main/download and this doesn't work with Mavericks?

Best wishes

I downloaded from the same site as you mentioned:
I clicked the red text: "PolarView - 2.0.dmg"

After installing the application into my Applications folder (OS X 10.9.3), I opened it while holding down the control key.

The "About!" menu item in the "PolarView NS" menu shows:
"Product: PolarView NS Version 2.0.2"

Also, on PN's Changelog page, one comment also references version 2.0.2 as follows:
Quote:mark says:
March 9, 2014 at 8:16 pm
Very Cool.

I just downloaded PolarView NS Version 2.0.2 to a Macbook Air running OS X Lion Version 10.7.5

After download when I clicked on the Globe Icon it loaded the files and created a new Icon in my Main Navigation Menu. I trashed the old Polarview Icon and Polarcom Icon and all is fine.

A quick check shows all charts and routes have been protected. Well done Polarview.

Really couldn't be easier. Thank you.

Mark Smith.

Note that Mark trashed the old PolarCom and PolarView icons. PolarCom appears to have been removed or integrated with PolarView:
Quote:Jim Hebert says:
October 24, 2013 at 10:31 am
I was initially concerned that there might be some loss of functions with the removal of PolarCom, but it seems all PolarCom features have been retained and moved into PolarViewNS. Thanks for maintaining the amazing flexibility of PolarCom's features.

polarnavy says:
October 24, 2013 at 10:55 am
You are correct – all the functionality of PolarCOM is still available, though access methods may have changed for a few dialogs.
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 Jon Longworth

Thanks very much Jon,

You've isolated and confirmed for me that I must have the correct version so the problem must be with me/my machine but I'm honestly stumped as to why.....

An odd thing - well is to me and I haven't had reason to examine this before: I've downloaded PV and the info on the .dmg reads created Yesterday.


OK. So I go ahead and install, but won't open, same problem, loads the PN Icon then the beachball and not responding.

In Applications folder; when I highlight the PV Icon and check the information says created Jan 21 2010. This is about the time I first installed PV.


Before installing new version I've deleted older by sending to Trash and emptying. When this perhaps not removing all, I went into Library/Preferences and removed the 2 PV .plist folders in there as well.

Just curious, if you check the date the PV you successfully use, what date does it say?

Hi Wade,

The PV application is really a bundled folder so the date of Jan 21, 2010 may be misleading. (My PolarView-2.0.dmg says Oct 31, 2013 and PV icon says Jan 20, 2010.)

To look at the actual dates of the package components in the PolarView bundle, hold down the control key and click the PV icon in the Applications folder. Then choose "Show package contents" from the context pop-up menu. The date of my info.plist is Oct. 30, 2013 and that of the PolarView Unix ! file is Oct. 31, 2013. The dates of Resources range from 2011 to 2013.


P.S. Do you have the "Terminal" application in your Utilities folder?
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 Jon Longworth

Thanks John. That makes sense and the dates of my contents folder are indeed Oct 2013. I'm a loss at what otherwise has changed on my Mac preventing PV from working? I just tried installing same download on a buddies' Mac running 10.9.2 and worked fine. Yes, I do have "Terminal" aplication in Utilities.
I do not have any charts or routes in my trial version. (PV opens with a World vector map.) Could there be a conflict with your existing charts or routes?

I suggest that you ask PolarNavy for help. Click on the Support Ticket link that I gave in my second post above.
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 Jon Longworth

Hi Wade,

This is probably just another "red herring". I suggest you disconnect any GPS or NMEA connections to your Mac before trying to open PV. (You may have an older USB/Serial driver for these device connections that needs to be updated for Mavericks.)
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 Jon Longworth

Hi Jon

A little further to this: As alternative to PV for opening GRIB files I tried Panopoly and GRIBViewer. I'm unable to open all three. I'm totally perplexed, what happened but updating to Mavericks and changed whatever in the OS needed to read those types of softwares. I can only hope that perhaps further Mavericks updates might rectify, other wise I've no idea..... shame, I really miss having a GRIB viewer. Was a good simple way of getting weather here in the bandwidth impaired Solomon Islands.

The "beach ball" at startup is usually caused by a font issue. Try following steps described in this post:

In general, it is best to post support requests on our support forum as this message board is rarely monitored.

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