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Title: Raymarine autopilot - MacENC
Hello Macsailors!

I'm planning to connect my new Raymarine autopilot with my iMac and would be delighted if someone with knowledge would like to share some idéas with me. I know there are several interfaces that translates SeaTalk to NMEA, but I can't figure out if any of them have two way communication with SeaTalk. Is it possible to plan a route in MacENC or OpenCPN and have the Raymarine autopilot following the route?

I have been looking at the ShipModul MiniPlex-2USB, the SeaTalk NMEA Bridge from gadgetpool.de and the Raymarine SeaTalk NMEA PC interface. Which one will do the best job? I don't know what is the best set up for GPS either, should I go for the Raymarine Raystar 130, or any NMEA compatible antenna?

Hardware: Raymarine Autopilot and controller new 2013 (Type 1 linear drive until, p70R control unit, EV200 autopilot computer)

Hoping for some help here to save time and money Smile

I suspect that your new autopilot uses NMEA 2000 (SeaTalkng) so check out the Actisense NGT-1 USB for NMEA 2000 to PC interface. It is compatible with the latest version of MacENC. (The devices you listed support the older NMEA 0183 and SeaTalk.)

Actisense NGT-1 specs

Also, choose a NMEA GPS if you do not have or plan to buy a Raymarine MFD chart plotter.
— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

Thank's Jade! I got the Actisense NGT-1 and a Garmin NMEA2000 GPS antenna. I connected the Raymarine SeaTalkng network to NMEA2000 network by a converter from Raymarine. I get all the data from the networks into MacEnc. The only thing I wanted to work doesn't though, sending waypoint and route data to the Raymarine autopilot and displays, since MacEnc doesn't support the sending of this data over NMEA2000 Sad

I hope for MacEnc support in the next update, as well as updated drivers for the Actisense NGT-1 for OSX up to Mavericks Smile

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