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Title: Maximising your on-board Wi-Fi reception
How about just lowering it down the mast, to say just 10ft above deck?
See if any local ones appear.

Hi Quentin,

I look forward to your reports further down the road on the reliability of the EnGenuis. I have read a few reports on poor customer support and product failures... I hope you prove these wrong.

Keep us posted.


Quentin,. Perhaps I missed it, but what is the gain of the antenna you tested?

I'm thinking again of installing my 3220 on the masthead.
The antenna I tested was a 9dB antenna made by KENBOTONG...


My choice of antenna comes from a sad story involving a hopeless test on another wireless bridge (allegedly long range) that was a disaster because the firmware did not include a survey function.... so there was no way you could use it as a mobile device.... the Engenius as you know is more flexible than that.

By the way...... I found that the 3220 can get its knickers in a twist and share iits IP address with the access point it locks on to. When this happens you can't log into the Engenius to conduct admin functions because when you enter the Engenius IP it routes you directly to the AP instead. This happened to me and the AP it was locked on to was still set to its default username and password which was how I realised that the 3220 had shared its IP address.... let this be a lesson for us all...... change the username and password of your devices from default as soon as you first fire them up or you may find someone else fiddling with your settings.

Happy sailing
Hi Quentin, thanks for the info on the antenna. How did you adapt from the "N" connector on the antenna to the rp-sma on the engenius?

I'm having a tough time finding connectors that are stainless or outdoor rated.
I had a local company that specialises in RF components make up a short pigtail (I have sent you a PM with a photo) I also bought a lightening arrestor to put in the line. As for weatherproofing, I too am nervous about the water tightness of the top of the Engenius box where the aerial socket comes out... and the weatherproofness of the plug, pigtail and sockets. My plan is connect the pigtail to the box and (after testing!) glue around the connector with a plastic cement to bond the connector to the casing then seal the lot in with an adhesive (UV resistant) heat shrink.

Happy Sailing

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