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Title: more NMEA questions
I have an E-80 on board and am about to do something to get NMEA data to the onboard Mac mini. Since the E-80 has an unused NMEA out, can I connect that to a 41 BT, or do I really need a multiplexer since the E-80 NMEA out sends (I think) all the data produced (wind, speed, GPS, etc.) and if not, what would convert NMEA to BT or USB.

Another question, I'd like to have the data broadcast over Bluetooth. If the data gets to my MAC mini via USB, (letting me use a miniplex lite if I do need a multiplexer) is there some software around that will allow the MAC to broadcast it over BT.

many thanks for what I've already learned in this forum.


If your instrumentation (GPS, Instruments) already send out NMEA data you do not need a Multiplexer. You can go the route of using a Keyspan adapter and a GPS data cable..


I do not know of software that lets you transmit the NMEA data over Bluetooth (Other than MacENC or GPSNavX to a repeat serial port). Even if you did it one be a 1:1 connection. A better solution is wifi IP. MacENC has the ability to transmit NMEA data over IP and receive it over IP. So using a wireless router (i.e. Airport Express) is a better solution. With this you can have as many clients listening to the NMEA data.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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