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Title: usb connection not working??
G'day Folks
I'm new to this forum, but it looks the goods!
I've searched unsuccessfully for a solution to GPS on my Macbook.
I used to use a Garmin handheld on a windoze lappy and cap'n software with great results.
However now I'm using a macbook and vmware / XP Home for the same cap'n software but cannot get the usb to work.

BTW I live on a 10 metre simpson cat in FNQ (Far Northern Queensland) Australia. (home of the inflatable eating saltwater crocodiles), which is why I'm back using a 'Tinny'

And life is still pretty good!
Further information might be in order (on a re-read!)

With the windoze laptop I used a serial to USB converter, it worked.

The Garmin is a GPS MAP 60.

Perhaps the noname brand serial to USB is the fault?
I went throught several 'off brand' serial-usb adapters that never worked, even with the 'official' driver. Finally broke down and got a Keyspan and now all works well. While I usually have my Garmin gps76 connected via nmea through my Miniplex, when I load a route our download a track, it's connected with the Keyspan and GPS recognizes it right away, as long as I have the GPS plugged into the laptop and turned on BEFORE booting MacENC or GPSNavX.


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