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Title: WiFi NMEA data to iNavX
iNavX has the ability to be a client to WiFi NMEA data. What that means is iNavX can repeat any NMEA data broadcast over a wireless network. For most that means running MacENC on a Mac or Coastal Explorer (or others) on a PC. The Mac or PC is interfaced to the NMEA instruments and is setup to serve the NMEA data from interfaced instrumentation.

On the otherhand if you don't want to have a PC or Mac aboard, but want to repeat NMEA data to iPhone or iPod running iNavX there is a solution..

Digi Connect Wi-SP

Connect your GPS or other NMEA instrumentation to the Digi Connect Wi-SP and now it's NMEA data is broadcast for iNavX to listen to. Or you could even bring the Mac or PC aboard to listen making for a completely wireless setup. All sorts of interesting combinations available.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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