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Title: Navionics UK HOLLAND Gold Charts available
Quote:Navionics UK, Ireland & Netherlands provides coastal marine navigation charts for the United Kingdom, Ireland, English Channel, Belgium and The Netherlands; Dutch canals also included. For navigators familiar with Navionics marine charts, UK, Ireland & Netherlands is the equivalent of Gold XL9 28XG.

Available at a special introductory price of € 49,99 (offer valid until 31/01/2009).

More info at the apple app store or here


Now that that charts are available, I want iNavX2 :-) (but February isn't far away ...)
just wondering wether anyone has bought these and is using them on an unlocked phone?

are they all self contained or are the charts held as a file system?

my phone is fully unlocked so was thinking that if I bought them, I could copy them off the phone and use them on the mac?

Still can't fin iNavX in the uk store, so can't really see the point of buying the navionics charts otherwise
Even if you could copy the Navionics charts off your unlocked phone they would not be unusable on a Mac or PC as they are encrypted.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
was just a thought! It is annoying that all these charts, which at the end of the day we've paid for already as the UKHO is funded largely by the tax payer, we have to buy over and over again to re-use

I've got garmin charts on one boat, a c-map cartridge on a plotter on the other boat, I've bought mapsend charts for my magellan handheld and I've bought the maptech library as well, all derived from the same source, yet utterly locked in to one use.

thought about buying the navionics for my iPhone, but without a decent app on the phone to use them with, seems little point. If and when iNaxX is available over here I might have a go then

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