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Title: Sail Timer / Auto Next & Simulate mode
I have been trying to become more familiar with MacENC as I have a race coming up next week (Cowes to Le Harve) and have created waypoints and routes. When I was using the app last weekend, I noticed that the Auto Next function only works properly when you do not utilize the Sail Timer function - was that by design? For example, when you utilize the Sail Timer function and you pass your mark, you have to cancel the waypoint goto and then point manually to the next waypoint and hit goto and then start the Sail Timer again - can't imagine that was by design?

Also it appears that when you enter Simulate mode there is no way to switch out of simulate mode except to quite the application. Am I missing something?

Any help would be gratefully received.


PS I purchased iNavX and was able to link btw MacBookPro and iPhone, even though there are no maps available on the iPhone for the UK, the data relay is pretty cool.
Close the GPS panel and simulate mode will end.

SailTimer was designed to give the quickest heading to a waypoint. In doing so often it creates a layline waypoint. It would not be prudent to jump to the next route waypoint when the arrival distance to the previous waypoint occurs. In otherwords I want the MacENC user (navigator) to be very clear which waypoint is intended with SailTimer as such its manual selection is required.

iNavX 2.0.2 will offer Navionics marine chart coverage for the UK. I expect it to be available in approximately 2 weeks.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for the answers and quick response - appreciate it. And I look forward to v2.02 of iNavX. Best, Adrian

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