October 24, 2009 14:52
As always, we've been quiet but not idle - well, not completely
A new synchronized version of all our applications is out. Version 1.0 brings a number of new features, primarily revolving around "live ship" navigation product conveniently named PolarIS.
PolarCOM additions include:
- Analog instruments (wind/course/heading)
- Depth/Wind/Speed throug water etc.
- Navigation items – VMG, BTN, distance/time to next/destination, XTE
- Alarms – arrival/XTE/depth/anchor drag
PolarIS is a "live" navigation application that, as many users have wisely suggested, combines PolarView and PolarCOM into a single cohesive navigation product.
Much like PolarView it supports editing routes on the chart, navigating to points on map/waypoints/along routes beginning from the start or from arbitrary route point or mid-segment.
PolarIS includes adaptive tracking mode, which helps create precise tracks while reducing memory footpring and number of track points. Traditional periodic tracking mode is also available.
Additions to PolarView include better chart handling, modifications to Grib downloader (including ability to use HTTP proxy for those users who can't connect to our servers directly) and performance improvements for chart rendering.
Get your programs while they'r hot out of the oven
Downloads are at the usual location: http://www.polarnavy.com/main/download

A new synchronized version of all our applications is out. Version 1.0 brings a number of new features, primarily revolving around "live ship" navigation product conveniently named PolarIS.
PolarCOM additions include:
- Analog instruments (wind/course/heading)
- Depth/Wind/Speed throug water etc.
- Navigation items – VMG, BTN, distance/time to next/destination, XTE
- Alarms – arrival/XTE/depth/anchor drag
PolarIS is a "live" navigation application that, as many users have wisely suggested, combines PolarView and PolarCOM into a single cohesive navigation product.
Much like PolarView it supports editing routes on the chart, navigating to points on map/waypoints/along routes beginning from the start or from arbitrary route point or mid-segment.
PolarIS includes adaptive tracking mode, which helps create precise tracks while reducing memory footpring and number of track points. Traditional periodic tracking mode is also available.
Additions to PolarView include better chart handling, modifications to Grib downloader (including ability to use HTTP proxy for those users who can't connect to our servers directly) and performance improvements for chart rendering.
Get your programs while they'r hot out of the oven