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Title: iNavX? GRIB data // Chart updates
I have had iNavX on my iPhone 2G since early 2008 but since it does not have GPS and I have not found iNavX friendly for dead reckoning it has seen little use except for the trial account w/ x-traverse to check out GRIB Wx. The early implementation of iNavX GRIB left me feeling frustrated so I went back to my windows GRIB programs, let x-traverse account expire and have forgotten the little I learned.
p.s. My wife is a captain 1600T Ocean and uses her iPhone 3G w/ iNavX constantly and shows/amazes the masses but is not using GRIB Wx. I want to get her iNavX doing all it can for her. I will be sitting on sidelines until upgrading to a GPS enabled version unless I get my 2G talking to Coastal Explorer some day.
(Thanks for the very helpful CE article on the web site.)

(a) GRIB: What is the size (days) and resolution(time and degs) of the GRIB dataset and how does one scroll fwd/back in time within the iNavX interface?

(b) Chart Updates: How does one check (within iNavX) to see if charts that have been downloaded and are resident on the iPhone are the current version?
GRIB is 12 hour intervals out to 72 hours on 1/2 degree resolution.

The forecast date/time is selected on the "Forecast->GRIB" view.

The next release of iNavX (v2.0.7) will support scrolling through the forecasts right on the Chartview and the interval will be 6 hours instead of 12 hours.

The Edition of the Chart can be found in the "I"nfo view of the Chart. That can be compared with the editions at the NOAA RNC site. Removing the chart using the trash can button will cause iNavX to download a new copy of the chart. Eventually I want to make this automatic.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks, very helpful info.

(b) Chart updates: I look forward to the auto updates.

(a) GRIB: ? Are the 72hr total at 12hr intervals a function of iNavX or x-traverse Wx server? I have gotten spoiled being able to download 7+days at 3hr intervals to plan a passage. (uGrib / Coastal Explorer) Even if the 72hr total didn't change the 12hr interval is a bit too broad to closely pin down Wx events for passage planning, "where will/should I be when the wind shifts/front passes".

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