June 17, 2007 08:25
I deleted all BT device, the Bluetooth manger shows no device, I connected the GARMIN GPS thru USB, started GPSNavX and
still no USB port shown, no more dev/cu.BluetoothGPSReceiver-Bl-1 that used to be for the Holux Bluetooth, and still the 2 ports /dev/cu.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync and /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Modem.
To be sure, my GARMIN is connected thru a real USB cable , not a serial cable and a serial/USB adapter.
still no USB port shown, no more dev/cu.BluetoothGPSReceiver-Bl-1 that used to be for the Holux Bluetooth, and still the 2 ports /dev/cu.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync and /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Modem.
To be sure, my GARMIN is connected thru a real USB cable , not a serial cable and a serial/USB adapter.