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Title: Parallels Pactor USB issue
Been out cruising to the Queen Charlottes and away for a while, but found a wireless buried on the west coast of Vancouver Island...

I've managed to get my SSB and Sailmail (via Parallels) working nicely since I left, but have one annoyance. When I boot Parallels, it comes up with a warning message something like "the USB hardware trying to connect to Parallels is already in use by another software; close that software and reboot" , referring to the USB Pactor Modem. If I reboot Parallels a few times the warning goes away and I'm connected. I cannot find any piece of software on the Mac that's trying to connect to the Pactor. As I finally get the Pactor connected to Parallels it's not critical, but is still an anoyance and shouldn't work that way. I've also missed a few critical weather fax broadcast trying to get the Pactor connnected to Parallels.


Note, I'm heading out of here tomorrow (Sunday August 5) so will again be offline for a while. Any help prior to that would really be appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
Parallels Pactor USB issue - by - August 4, 2007 12:58
[No subject] - by - August 4, 2007 18:42
Pactor, Boot Camp, Vista, Airmail - by - August 7, 2007 14:27
[No subject] - by - August 12, 2007 20:57
[No subject] - by - August 17, 2007 07:36

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