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Title: what mac
just wondering what other people may have aboard?

I guess the obvious choice these days would be a mac mini for size, but I've heaps of stuff lying around so am thinking of a 'project' to utilise some old stuff

there's is a mac mini in the house I could use (my daughter has been hassling me for a new macbook), but I've also got a cube that does nothing these days except look pretty, a quicksilver g4 that props up a shelf, a g4 powerbook with broken hinges, and a variety of imacs of various vintages

the new boat is a an old fifie herring drifter, 48' long and the wheelhouse is plenty big enough to fit the logic board and psu out of the way under the helm then flush fit a cd and usb sockets etc on the console somewhere.

Mad Idea and not worth the bother??

hate to see redundant macs and can't bear to dump them

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by - March 25, 2008 11:17
[No subject] - by - March 25, 2008 12:17
[No subject] - by - March 25, 2008 12:25
[No subject] - by - March 25, 2008 12:55
[No subject] - by - March 25, 2008 12:57
[No subject] - by - March 25, 2008 13:07
[No subject] - by - March 25, 2008 13:17
[No subject] - by - March 25, 2008 13:21
[No subject] - by - March 25, 2008 13:27
[No subject] - by - March 25, 2008 13:40
[No subject] - by - March 25, 2008 13:43

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