March 20, 2009 09:07
looking forward to the update!! I am running MacEnc on my Laptop as well as InavX on my Iphone, will it be possible to transfer the GRIB file from your iphone to MacEnc on the laptop??? scenario: cruising around Lake Ontario, I still get 3G service close to shore but only get free wifi at a handful of yacht clubs and marinas, when you dock. would be nice to be able to update the GRIB files from iphone and transfer them to Mac Enc.
looking forward to the update!! I am running MacEnc on my Laptop as well as InavX on my Iphone, will it be possible to transfer the GRIB file from your iphone to MacEnc on the laptop??? scenario: cruising around Lake Ontario, I still get 3G service close to shore but only get free wifi at a handful of yacht clubs and marinas, when you dock. would be nice to be able to update the GRIB files from iphone and transfer them to Mac Enc.