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Title: MacTel and the future
With the announcement by CodeWeavers that their CrossOver product (which they claim will run 96% of Windows software under Linux) will be supported under MacOS X86 creates an interesting problem for existing Mac Charting software vendors.

For me it is not the charting software that is important but the maintained data source. Conceivably I will have the choice of running any number of Windows based software applications under MacOS X86 using the CrossOver library conversion/emulation software. This I will be able to do at native ISP (Instruction Set Processor) speeds thus eliminating the need for products like Virtual PC and I don't have to run a copy of Windows to do it! Lest we all think this is pie in the sky, CodeWeavers has by all accounts an excellent track record of delivering Windows applications support under Linux.

So now I can choose an application that supports a maintained data set which supports me.

It is a cruel world but just supporting the Mac is not good enough! I need data for the application to be useful and many software vendors have not graspped that nettle yet.
Joe Griffin
Rampart 32
Powerbook G4
iMac G4

Messages In This Thread
MacTel and the future - by - August 20, 2005 02:29
Charting Data - by - August 20, 2005 16:42
Re: Charting Data - by - August 21, 2005 03:26
[No subject] - by - August 21, 2005 13:46

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