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Title: iNavX and AIS
Either scenario works the same as far as iNavX is concerned. All iNavX needs is an IP address and a port to receive AIS NMEA data.

MacENC can be setup to be a server for NMEA data over IP..


So you would connect the AIS receiver to your Mac, then use MacENC to broadcast the NMEA data.

In order to make a 'public' server you could connect anywhere you had a cell connection you would need a static IP address.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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[No subject] - by - June 12, 2009 08:40
[No subject] - by - June 12, 2009 09:42
[No subject] - by - June 18, 2009 12:56
[No subject] - by - June 18, 2009 13:25

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