December 6, 2009 15:24
Going back to your original query, it seems that no, there are not any Mac users running MaxSeaTZ.
I vote that you go ahead and get it (with all the same functionality of MacENC, AIS, GRIB support, etc...), test it HARD and get back to us. snarkiness intended, I really would like to know! I ran the original MaxSea on a Mac many, many years ago and was very disappointed when they ceased support and went over to the Dark Side.
I vote that you go ahead and get it (with all the same functionality of MacENC, AIS, GRIB support, etc...), test it HARD and get back to us. snarkiness intended, I really would like to know! I ran the original MaxSea on a Mac many, many years ago and was very disappointed when they ceased support and went over to the Dark Side.