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Title: MaxSea/Furuno Time Zero at Miami Boat Show
I spent a lot of time at the Furuno booth at the Miami Boat Show playing with the latest version of Time Zero. There'll be other news to report on it in other places but the Mac news that I found interesting is that it runs really well with Boot Camp. I used it myself on a MacBook and the performance was knock-your-socks-off incredible.

I'll definitely be getting a copy of it for my MBPRo and integrating it to my helm for real use. Reports to follow...
You've got to be kidding!!! I looked at the price and for what it costs (Defender - with the AIS and Weather modules) I could buy MacENC (which I already have) and still have enough left over for an iPad!!!
ActiveCaptain Wrote:I spent a lot of time at the Furuno booth at the Miami Boat Show playing with the latest version of Time Zero. There'll be other news to report on it in other places but the Mac news that I found interesting is that it runs really well with Boot Camp. I used it myself on a MacBook and the performance was knock-your-socks-off incredible.

I'll definitely be getting a copy of it for my MBPRo and integrating it to my helm for real use. Reports to follow...

In my opinion, the interests of the readers of this BB would be better served by your becoming a sponsor, rather than portraying yourself as an un-interested user by pimping a product in which you have a financial interest.
ActiveCaptain Wrote:I spent a lot of time at the Furuno booth at the Miami Boat Show playing with the latest version of Time Zero. There'll be other news to report on it in other places but the Mac news that I found interesting is that it runs really well with Boot Camp. I used it myself on a MacBook and the performance was knock-your-socks-off incredible.

I'll definitely be getting a copy of it for my MBPRo and integrating it to my helm for real use. Reports to follow...
Pimping is the word. I don't know where you've been, but Boot Camp is included with every OSX disc these days. So it's free.
The performance of Windows running on a MBP is excellent, but remember you still have to purchase a copy of windows. I have installed Windows 7 on my MBP and it's great, just remember to allow plenty of room on your hard disc drive when you install Boot Camp.
The only pain is to switch to windows you have to reboot.
On the boat windows is great for Garmins HomePort which is not available on Mac.
bobetter Wrote:In my opinion, the interests of the readers of this BB would be better served by your becoming a sponsor, rather than portraying yourself as an un-interested user by pimping a product in which you have a financial interest.
I currently have no financial interest in MaxSea Time Zero. They wisely selected to integrate ActiveCaptain with their software. They did it because it's the best. And guess how much it cost them and how much we got paid Mr. bobetter....zero.

I am most certainly looking at ways for my company to earn income. We're involved with all of the major players in the charting and marine electronics business currently. And when I do have a direct financial interest, I'll stop posting. But right now, I'm a boater, a Mac user, and a developer. And Time Zero is fantastic on a Mac.
jagasail Wrote:You've got to be kidding!!! I looked at the price and for what it costs (Defender - with the AIS and Weather modules) I could buy MacENC (which I already have) and still have enough left over for an iPad!!!
Your math needs a little work.

Defender's price for the full software is about $340. Sure, you can purchase the NavNet3D version for about $900 but that's a much different product that turns the display into another Furuno chartplotter, radar, and other devices.

It's true that MacENC is less expensive. I've used it and compared it carefully. This is most certainly a case where you get what you pay for. The differences are astounding and well worth the extra $160 in my opinion. MacENC would be literally blown away by a feature and performance comparison in every metric. Yeah, that ends up costing a little more.
ActiveCaptain Wrote:They wisely selected to integrate ActiveCaptain with their software. They did it because it's the best.

Methinks you need an 'in my incredibly humble opinion' when you make blanket statements like this Smile Others may not think you are the 'best'.

To me there is a conflict of interest when you shill for MaxSea in the forum as they use your site in their software, and you don't reveal that up front. You are still reaping benefits from them, after all, even if money has not changed hands.
ActiveCaptain Wrote:
bobetter Wrote:In my opinion, the interests of the readers of this BB would be better served by your becoming a sponsor, rather than portraying yourself as an un-interested user by pimping a product in which you have a financial interest.
I currently have no financial interest in MaxSea Time Zero. They wisely selected to integrate ActiveCaptain with their software. They did it because it's the best. And guess how much it cost them and how much we got paid Mr. bobetter....zero.

I am most certainly looking at ways for my company to earn income. We're involved with all of the major players in the charting and marine electronics business currently. And when I do have a direct financial interest, I'll stop posting. But right now, I'm a boater, a Mac user, and a developer. And Time Zero is fantastic on a Mac.

I don't think I need to say anything else, you said it for me and probably better than I could have, thanks!
AugustH Wrote:Others may not think you are the 'best'.
There has been one public comparison of boating point-of-interest data. ActiveCaptain got an A- rating. The others got C-'s and D's. There are no databases as large or as current as ours. You might not like that because you just don't like me August, but you can't change the truth.
This isn't constructive. Please refrain from these personal jibes at each other.

Da Management
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
ActiveCaptain Wrote:Your math needs a little work.

Defender's price for the full software is about $340.

The $340 PLUS another $180 or so for the AIS module, which according to Maxsea's website is an added module for the Navigator. That's over $500 right there. Plus, Maxsea is only compatible with their charts. Yes, they include one region and that's fine if you only sail in one region, but if not, then more bucks, while MacENC has access to a vast range of free vector charts. I know they're often not as 'good' but we're talking value here. Now I know Maxsea is a great product - I've used it myself in the past, but it's still EXPENSIVE! And...you still have that stupid dongle.

jagasail Wrote:The $340 PLUS another $180...And...you still have that stupid dongle.

1. The AIS module is included in the US version. I don't honestly know about other countries.

2. There is no dongle. Licensing is all soft. You can uninstall from one computer and re-install on another. There's no hardware piece or anything needed.

3. All US charts come with the product - vector and raster. These are the exact same chart files that Furuno uses on their newer chartplotters and radars. For obvious reasons, they are kept very current. They have the best cartography I've ever seen because they use the best sources for each part of the region. Some is HO ENC charts, some C-Map, some Navionics, some third party. For example, if you've been to the Bahamas you know that the Explorer charts are the best ones out there. Those are the charts that make up the Bahamas region in MaxSea/Furuno.

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