December 6, 2009 16:17
One useful comment I came across on another forum:
Quote:I've just had this installed on my laptop (Ethrnet) and have found it intuitive and interactive in ways not easily replicated at the MFD. I'm brand new to marine electronics, having skipped from sextants, RDFs, and the rare Loran, to today's world. The new MaxSea Time Zero took me 5 minutes to navigate through, with a nice sense of customization. Maybe this is par for the course, as I have no real reference, but as a lifelong Mac user, it's nice to see an intuitive interface. We just took our 44' catamaran 'ile de Grace' on a 145 miles overnight down the Bay to Norfolk, on our way south for a 2-3 year circumnavigation. (I'm also carrying paper charts).
So far, so good.