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Title: iPad and AIS
I was wondering if INavX on the iPad will have AIS capability? Where would an antenna lead connect to the iPad?

Thanks in advance. I am trying to figure out the best solution for our Grand Banks. We have INavX and have ordered an iPad 3G. We also have MacEnc on a MacbookPro but that is too large for the space we have. The iPad fits nicely but I am wondering about AIS.
iNavX does have AIS plotting functionality. At this time the only way I know to get AIS NMEA data into iNavX on iPhone/iPod/iPad is via WiFi. That can be accomplished by using a PC or a Mac that is connected to an AIS receiver. Another option is a Wireless WiFi adapter such as this ..


If you go the WiFi route also make sure you have external GPS functionality as iNavX is either in WiFi mode or in Location Services (i.e. built in GPS receiver of iPhone 3G[S] or iPad 3G).

Hopefully Apple will open up the Bluetooth profiles to support more than just keyboards and headsets. If they do then there will be more marine instrumentation connectivity options.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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