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Title: OS X Multiplexor Config Utility
I am developing a configuration utility for the ShipModul MiniPlex 42USB Multiplexor. A Multiplexor allows up tp four NMEA talkers (instruments, GPS, AIS, etc) to be connected. It then consolidates that NMEA stream into one USB port. It also has two output ports to send data to listeners (autopilots, radar, VHF).

The utility will allow the MiniPlex 42USB to be configured for various modes of operation offerring quite a bit of flexibility in ones configuration.

I expect this new Utility will be complete in a couple weeks and it will be FREE to all who wish to download it.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
The Shipmodul MiniPlex 41/42 configuration tool is now available. Email me gpsnavx@mac.com if you would like a copy.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Just a matter of clarrification - does your config utility work with all versions of the '42 or only the USB version?
The tool will work with all (Serial, USB, Bluetooth) 41 & 42 models. It is both PPC and Intel compatible.

For the Mac only the USB and Bluetooth make sense as no point running a Multiplexer through a Keyspan Adapter.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
What a coincidence!

Yesterday I was on the point of buying a MiniPlex-Lite (The MiniPlex 42USB costs twice as much as the Lite in the UK) but held off because I try to avoid buying anything that uses third party USB drivers and it was unclear whether the driver supplied would work.

Thanks very much GPS NavX for developing this. Do you think it would work with MiniPlex-Lite? or only with the MiniPlex 42USB.

I was looking to use this to connect my G4 I-Book to my Raymarine ST50 GPS and a Furuno NX300 Navtex which I am about to purchase.

The MiniPlex Config tool is specifcially for the 41 and 42 series Multiplexers. The MiniPlex-Lite has no programable settings so a configuration tool is not needed. That being said, ALL the ShipModul Multiplexers are compatible with Mac OS X for Intel and PowerPC. The USB models use the FTDI driver.

If the instrumentation you plan to connect outputs Raymarine SeaTalk as opposed to NMEA you will need a 41 or 42 Multiplexer to handle the conversion of SeaTalk to NMEA.

On the otherhand, if you plan to connect an AIS unit you will need the MiniPlex-Lite as it can handle the high speed AIS NMEA connection.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
The Shipmodul Miniplex41/42 Configuration Tool for OS X can be downloaded from here..


Only useful if you actually own the multiplexer. Compatible with Both Intel and PowerPC Macs. Reguires OS X 10.3.9 or later.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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