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Title: Navionics HD for iPad released...
It looks like Apple released the Navionics HD iPad products for US regions. The US regions are coming in at $19.99, about double the price of the iPhone products.

It seems like a pretty good price - I was expecting it to be in the $50 price range. I wonder if this is an introductory price or if it is going to be the ongoing US region price.

Current reviews in the App Store for the US East region are ungodly poor. It appears that the product has some crashing issues.
I have the Navionics "Marine: US West" for iPhone, how do I transfer my waypoints (a few dozen) or routes to the Navionics "Marine: US West HD" for iPad?
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Do you really want to know or are you trying to point out a difference from other navigation products?
I don't know as I don't have the Navionics for iPad yet. Waiting for the update that fixes the reported zooming crash. I was wondering if there is some sort of waypoint/route import as it would sure be easier to import than to have to re-enter all the waypoints/routes.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I think I get it. I wasn't sure at first but I think I see your point. Navionics doesn't have any type of import/export. So instead of providing a comparison, you ask a hypothetical question that you know your product can handle. Aren't you half expecting Navionics to eventually support X-Perverse given the NavPlanner2 product? It's sort of odd that NP2 doesn't support it today. There's just got to be a story there.

Let me try this technique.

In the east, especially along the waterways we're often encountering bridges. Does Navionics HD have a way to show the bridge opening times, phone number, or VHF channel for the bridge? How about fuel prices and slip prices? Are they in there? And of course my favorite, Hazards - especially directly fed from Coast Guard Local Notice to Mariners. Can I find them in the Navionics product?
My my, you're certainly being prickly. Why not answer thusly?

"I don't know."

Sometimes, a question is just a question, and not an evil, sinister plot against you.

I for one would also like to know if waypoint transfer is supported in the Navionics app. It's a pain to have to reenter everything all the time.
My question is legitimate because Navionics has chosen to create a new version (not universal) of their mobile app for iPad. So it is reasonable to expect for the extra expense (i.e. not a free update) there would be more functionality besides just scaling up the chart to the bigger iPad screen. I am not privy to all the functionality of the Navionics HD iPad app because I am holding off purchase until the crash is resolved. It could be they support direct file transfer in the iPad edition.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
AugustH Wrote:Sometimes, a question is just a question, and not an evil, sinister plot against you.
I didn't say or imply it was about me at all. In fact, in this case it wasn't about me at all.

Let's try this:
The sky is blue...the grass is green...

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