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Title: Creating Routes on the Chart
1) Open a chart.
a) Select "Setup" (looks like a gear button in upper right hand corner) and set "Pos.Icon Loc." to "None" so the chart will not attempt to scroll back to your position.

2) Select "Routes". Note: "Routes" in on the "Waypoints" tab on iPhone/iPod, otherwise iPad has it's own tab.

3) Select "+" to create a new route or select an existing route.

4) Return to "Chart".

5) New Waypoint:
a) Tap Chart at location of desired waypoint to display a menu.
b) Select "Waypoint" to create a new waypoint.
c) Tap waypoint name on chart.
d) Drag waypoint if new location desired.


6) Existing Waypoint:
a) Tap waypoint name on chart.

7) Tap button with waypoint name to display a menu.

8) Select "Add to Route" to add the selected waypoint to the route.

Repeat steps 5..8 for each waypoint in the route.

If a waypoint needs to be removed, reordered, or inserted return to the "Routes" view and select the route and select "Edit" button. Change as needed then select "Done" button.

Waypoints can also be added to a Route in the route view by selecting the "+" button.

Creating Routes in the "Routes" view
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Tom MacNeil has put together an excellent video showing waypoint and route creation in iNavX ..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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