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Title: INavX for IPhone evaluation versionq
Went out to the App Store to buy INavX and saw some really bad reviews. Is there any way I can try it before spending the $50 to get it. /Stu
Apple does not provide any way to offer a trial or demo version of an app. The only option would be to develop and offer a "lite" version, but then that would not be the same iNavX app and the question arrises what features would be removed to create a "lite" version.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
And Apple doesn't like "lite" or "demo" versions. It's all or nothing.

Just remember, bad reviews are only one person's opinion. If the rest of the opinions are positive, then maybe that person can be ignored. Not everyone agrees with how useful a program is, so the accumulated comments can reveal much more than an isolated comment.
Another thing to keep in mind, is a review of an older version may not be applicable. iNavX is the most frequently updated marine navigation app. All updates are free and run on all devices.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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