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Title: DMA Charts
I have a large collection of DMA chart files which I used with The Capn in windows. I attempted to load them into Polarview and MacENC and they are not recognized.

Is there a way to convert these to be readable by these programs?
Not familiar with those. Are they raster or vector and what regions do they cover?

For MacENC, the best charts are the Navionics Gold available from X-Traverse.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
They are raster charts from the Defense Mapping Agency. The numbers start with the letter M. I have these for the Eastern and Western Caribbean, Pacific coast of Central America, the western Atlantic in South America.

I previously used them with The Capn and they seamlessly integrated with the BSB Charts of areas where I had both.

The files are not KAP or BSB, but a long series of 15-100KB sub-files that I can't open.

Any enlightenment on this will be appreciated. Larry
Further Research seems to indicate that DMA became NIMA became NGA and due to copyright issues, these charts of foreign waters are no longer available to the public. They are for government use only. }Sad

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