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Title: NKE Safety - MOB singlehanded
Hi everyone, Not sure I'm totally right here.. might have got a crazy idea and disconnected from the real world but here is the data:

I have a Tacktick wind/sound/NMEA system
a Garmin 276C GPS and a raymarine ST1000+ pilot. I've purchased now iAIS system to (I hope) try to get the NMEA output out of the iPad, running of course iNavX.

I'm often sailing singlehanded my FC8 and SWMBO is really worried about the boat sailing away under pilot and me swimming behind her (the boat, of course ;+) )

So I'm looking around and found an interesting kit from the french manufacturer "NKE" who can make some changes to the pilot (but I guess it must be a Gyropilot from the same make) or send some frames through NMEA..

Those frame seem however a bit proprietary to me as in case of MOB the system would send the following sequence

$PMLR,05,01,02,0337*02<cr><lf> Which I guess is to turn the MOB function of the receiver on
and then the following one
Which would be the MOB "priority" waypoint, becoming the next one to follow and therefore have the boat going into the right direction...

If we look now at the (sexier) Raymarine solution, there we see that the system would send a "999" waypoint (??) that would be MOB (???)... what happens next, I do not know + the fact that they claim to be seatalk compatible as well...


Assuming that I'm correct in imagining that the Ipad would be able to give the waypoints to the pilot (instead of the GPS), Is there a way to treat those frames at the iPad/iNavX side ?

Hope I didn't mash too much nonsense..

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