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Title: What is the cheapest way to serve NMEA via WiFi from Windows to an iPad?

this season I will sail on a yacht which is equipped with a Notebook running Windows. As navigation software "Chart Navigator Professional" by NV-Verlag is installed.
As far as I found out, there is no way to connect an iPad to that application as it cannot serve NMEA data via TCP/IP.
Is there an easy and not too expensive way to get the iPad connected? Basically I need a software which only acts as a server. No navigational functions needed as that will be done by "Chart Navigator".
Does anyone know a piece of share- or freeware to accomplish this job?

Thanks in advance!

PS: Serial port replication is not an issue here as the AIS receiver/Multiplexer has a USB and a serial output - so there is one for each application.
I think you can use PolarNavy's PolarCOM on Windows and it will broadcast NMEA over TCP/IP (I have not tried this). Otherwise check out GPSGate. iNavX just needs any NMEA-0813 data via WiFi-TCP/IP.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thank you. I got it to work with PolarCOM and my Garmin GPS - it will be interesting to see if it also repeats sentences from the AIS - but that will have to wait until April.
No reason it should not just pass through all NMEA-0183 data to the WiFi stream so iNavX can use it.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Take a look at NavMonPC (http://navmonpc.com/). It has a server function.
PolarCOM will forward any NMEA data including AIS. If you do connect AIS, make sure to un-check "Mux Out" on your GPS NMEA port. Otherwise, AIS messages will be forwarded to that port as well and, if you have a real NMEA system running at original 4800 baud, it could potentially be overwhelmed by AIS Data.
So, last Friday I had the chance to test this.
I installed PolarCOM on the laptop, and set up a server.
I then changed the input port of Chart Navigator Pro to listen to the server on localhost.
I also could connect to the server with iNavX on the iPad.
But after a restart of the laptop connection attempts with the iPad timed out. Chart Navigator worked well, though.
I only managed to reconnect with the iPad after deleting and re-creation of the server in PolarCOM. Ay hints why this happens? Is iNavX or PolarCOM to blame? Or is it just me?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,
Make sure first you are connecting to the correct network in the iPad Settings, WiFi section before attempting to connect iNavX to the NMEA server.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
The Wi-Fi network was provided by my huawei 3G-router all the time. So the network was on and the iPad was on all the time connected to the same network. I just restarted th laptop and then could not connect to the server again.
There is a free iTelnet app that will show the NMEA data on your iPad or iPhone. It's a bit buggy but does function enough to see the NMEA data.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Here is a PolarCOM configuration guide for iNavX ..


Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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