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Title: Wish list
Lately I have had the opportunity to use iNavx on my iPad during racing a small boat. I also use MacENC on the big boat for the same purpose. There are 4 things I would like to see on iNavx, and the second 2 on MacENC.

1. Auto next when navigating a planned route.

2. A new type of waypoint, or danger point. This is the ability to set a certain position, say a rock, as a danger point with the ability to set an individual distance around it. This point would give a warning when you enter this circle whether it is included in the route or not.

3. Similar to 2, the ability to set each waypoint with it's own arrived circle.

4. The ability to save a track longer than 50NM.
What would be the criteria for "Auto Next"? How would iNavX know to auto advance to the next waypoint?

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
We discussed the criteria back in July 2009. I can resend you the geometry diagram if you wish. Basically, when the current position gets within the set range of the up-coming waypoint OR crosses the line perpendicular to the present leg line which passes through the up-coming waypoint.

This really is a must have, please.

Yes please re-send to inavx at me dot com. If the auto advance can be determined even in the case of when iNavX has not been running for a long time it should be simple enough to implement.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Auto-next for waypoints can be a bad thing if your autopilot turns the boat straight into something (like an oncoming ship, a buoy, a log!). My raymarine chartplotter will not advance the autopilot to the next waypoint until I press buttons on the autopilot. Otherwise it just beeps at me until I do. I can see the logic of both positions, and favor the one that keeps the boat safe. I guess that means having the chartplotter control the throttle too, so it can stop the boat if we pass a waypoint and I don't advance to the next one. Hmm, someone ought to invent a device to do this! Smile
I have not seen any AP that will turn to a new waypoint without some sort of user input.

Auto advance to the next waypoint in the route in iNavX could be useful. Just need to make the auto algorithm smart enough not to have too many false positives.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Yes, these criteria would be perfect for auto next.
Regarding my 2nd and 3rd requests, I seem to remember an old Garmin GPS I had many years ago had both of these features, both of which I always found particularly useful. Unfortunately none of the modern units or applications seem to have these abilities. My 2nd item is particularly helpful if you sail in poorly charted waters. Is there a reason someone can think of why this is no longer available?.
iNavX 3.2.4 is now available as a free update in the iTunes app store. It supports "Auto Next" of waypoints in routes.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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