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Title: Wish: Chart item info
I have both navionics marine and InavX on my Iphone. Of course InavX is the one for actual sailing with instruments, AIS etc. but one major thing is missing!

In the navionics app, you have access to detailed info on chart items like marinas, lights, bridge clearances, tide stations and current diamonds.

I sure wish for this feature in InavX! This is ought to be basic functionality in any ENC program.

BRG/RNG to waypoint in view would also be nice ...
To elaborate a little bit: Below is screenshots from Brünsbüttel in the Elb mouth.

[li]First the navionics app with info selection zeroed in on a light.[/li]
[li]Then the info page for the light[/li]
[li]Last the same screen from iNavX: Note that:[/li]
[li]There is no way to select the chart items[/li]
[li]The useful info "VHF13" is now the less-than-helpful "ERROR TEXT (ENGLISH)"!
[li]Note the "T" diamond at the bottom which yields a helpful tide prediction screen in Navionics, but is similarly useless in iNavX.

You can single tap on any item on the Navionics chart in iNavX and the details about it will display. Tapping the C or T diamond will allow iNavX to launch AyeTides or AyeTides XL.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
OK, Thanks. This helps a bit although the detailed info dialog from navionics gives a far better overview of what is present. (A list of all objects near/below the cursor)

Could you do something about the "ERROR TEXT" issue. A closer scrutiny shows that the original label of the item "VHF13" is actually there, but garbled by the "ERROR TEXT" on top of it.

As for the AyeTides, I don't think I should pay twice for information I have already purchased with the Navionics chart. Also, I suspect that AyeTides uses publicly available harmonics databases, whereas the Navionics chart containg national hydrographic data and is capable of showing current info for europe as well as the Americas

Don't misunderstand me. I *do* like the product. I just feel that it is not quite up to it's full potential.
I am not sure why the error text is displaying, but in the future release of iNavX (3.2.5) the object info will be localized in the selected device language (where possible).

If you can provide the lat/lon of where you are seeing the error text I can look further into what is causing it.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks. That sounds good.

The screendump is taken off Brunsbüttel in the Elb mouth on Navionics Gold 2011 at 53°53.21N 9°8.33E.

Both Skagerrak and Germany maps show this behaviour.
theMadsen Wrote:As for the AyeTides, I don't think I should pay twice for information I have already purchased with the Navionics chart. Also, I suspect that AyeTides uses publicly available harmonics databases, whereas the Navionics chart containg national hydrographic data and is capable of showing current info for europe as well as the Americas

For AyeTides I do use publicly available harmonics but I also go out and find tide gauge data for locations around the world, and analyze the data to create harmonics. I have more locations, and more accurate results, by using the tide data. As for currents in Europe, I have a web page at http://www.ayetides.com that explains why I don't have those kinds of stations - in short, the predictions come either from hydrodynamic models that are impossible to port to a phone, or they come from a gov't body measuring, for a very limited time, the currents at a location and then correlating the currents to a nearby tide location. The accuracy of the latter approach is not very high, as it can estimate only 2 harmonics out of the hundreds that are measurable. The Navionics app uses the time offset from the tide station method, and it shows a very disjointed series of line segments for a current station off England. You don't see slack times at all! (the image is on the web page).

I'm not sure why people are so hyped about currents in Europe when the predictions don't seem to be reliable.
OK. I can't say that i've actually proved those currents to be correct.

Thanks for the info and the pointer.
Thanks for the lat/lon. I have identified the cause of the "Error" text and resolved it. Look for the fix in the next iNavX release.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Great, thanks!
About tidal prediction in marine apps, I provide an information in this post.
About currents on electronics charts, a discussion in this other one.
Intended to french users, these posts may possibly help everybody.
The next iNavX release adds a "More Detail" selection in the single-tap on the chart menu for Navionics charts. This will list all the chart objects where tapped.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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