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Title: Exporting GPX format tracks from MacENC
There's some excellent Java software called GPSActionReplay http://users.info.unicaen.fr/~mathet/gpsar/ that allows you to load previous GPS tracks you have recorded, together with instrument data and replay your previous sailing exploits. This is particularly useful if you're racing as you can generate polars of your yacht and work out how efficiently (or in my case in-efficiently) you're sailing.

My problem is that GPSActionReplay expects GPX files (XML format), and MacENC outputs tracks in CSV format. So my questions are:

1. Would it be possible to add GPX support for exporting tracks, waypoints and routes from MacENC?

2. In the short term, is anyone aware of a fairly straightforward method of coverting the tracks between CSV and XML GPX format. I've tried GPSBabel, but the UI doesn't appear to support import of track data in CSV format. I'm going to have a dig around the command line reference and see if I have any more luck.

My goal is to upload tracks from a days sailing to my new blog (in progress), and allow friends and crew to replay the sailing using the GPSActionReplay Java client embedded in a web page.

Then, when we're competing in the round the island race, I may even investigate hooking up a near real-time webcast!

Yes I plan to add GPX support to both GPSNavX and MacENC in the near future.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Quote:Yes I plan to add GPX support to both GPSNavX and MacENC in the near future.

Is it correct that GPSNavX/MacENC can import GPX data but not export it?
If YES, is the export function planned for future versions? Thx.


At this time GPSNavX and MacENC can import GPX and KML and CSV files. They can export KML and CSV. Exporting GPX will happen soon.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Just had a friend send me a route.gpx and imported it and sent it back as text that he could not read. So, I come to the forum and the 3rd topic perfectly identifies the problem. I just purchased MacENC yesterday and am looking forward to the gpx export update.
Michael Faw
Venture 21 "Sukey"
San Francisco Bay
Until GPX export is ready I would use Google Earth Export. It creates a KML file anyone can use. It sure would be nice if everyone could agree on a standard. We have GPX, KML, CSV etc.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
wmbutler Wrote:Just had a friend send me a route.gpx and imported it and sent it back as text that he could not read.

Try GPSBABEL+. It can import / export many GPS formats.
Though I haven't tried importing GPSNavX CSV Track data, but I think tweeking some parameters in GPSBABEL+ should do the trick.


There's also a homepage for GPSBABEL+ for many other OS (Win, UNIX...)



The next release of GPSNavX and MacENC will offer "Transfer" "To GPX File..." on the "Tracks", "Waypoints" and "Routes" menu.

This option will produce a GPX format file of tracks, waypoints or routes.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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