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Title: Add Active Captain
I think the addition of Active Captain would be an excellent feature for iNavX for the iPad. More than 14 navigation software/apps now feature Active Captain as part of their product... and since Active Captain is available at no cost it would seem to be a logical move for iNavX to include it in a future upgrade.

Thank you for an excellent product that we now use on our boat as an adjunct to Coastal Explorer.
I have a policy of not adding third party advertisements to my software (i.e. AdWare).

Excellent that Coastal Explorer works directly with iNavX ..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Kaptajnen Wrote:I think the addition of Active Captain would be an excellent feature for iNavX for the iPad. More than 14 navigation software/apps now feature Active Captain as part of their product... and since Active Captain is available at no cost it would seem to be a logical move for iNavX to include it in a future upgrade.

Thank you for an excellent product that we now use on our boat as an adjunct to Coastal Explorer.

uh, if you've already got AC on the boat with Coastal Explorer, why do you need it in iNavX? And if you just happen to have more than just Coastal Explorer (reference the 14 other pieces of SW...) why create the nightmare of keeping all that data synced? ...just askin'....

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