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Title: Digital Yacht v Brookhouse iMux
Is either better than the other?
Which DigitalYacht product? WLN10 or iAIS? They have different capability. My personal preference is for the Brookhouse iMux because it supports multiple NMEA inputs and outputs.

Your question is too vague to really offer a good response because you fail to say what you are trying to achieve.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Apologies for my vagueness.

We have a Raymarine instrument system and currently don't have any AIS capabilities.

I am trying to get the instrument data on my iPad (inshore racing) and on my MacBook Pro for offshore sailing.


You may also want to consider the Shipmodul multiplexers.

Some of the ShipModul units can be configured to accept Raymarine's SeaTalk input on port 4 and convert most SeaTalk sentences into NMEA 0183 sentences. I only use Raymarine's autopilot but was able to get the Heading from it this way.
— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

The Brookhouse iMux-ST has the advantage of offering both WiFi and SeaTalk.
— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

The Brookhouse iMux would be your best choice as it can accept either NMEA-0183 or Raymarine Seatalk data. You can also add an AIS receiver. iMux works with both Mac and iPad/iPhone.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

I have ordered an iMux ST.
I don't know what is the delivery delay of iMux for you guys in the US, but in France a number of orders are in stand by for several months, and a lot of customers had not received their iMux for holiday sailing journeys }Sad
Best to contact Brookhouse directly for ordering status.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I have just wired up my iMUX ST with raymarine ST80, a Digital Yacht transponder with seperate splitter and hardwired via RS232 port to my Macbook with MacEnc and to the autopilot NEMA in via the RS422 port. Everything works, iPad can control the autopilot and receives data via wifi, Macbook receives dat via hardwire. The problem remaining, I cannot control the autopilot from the Macbook.
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.

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