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Title: iNavX 3.3.0 available
Changes include:

Disclosure button in "Desc:" field of Waypoint view, will display a simple text editor for the waypoint description.
"Large NavAids" in the Chart Setup will display text and nav aids on the Chart view slightly larger (Navionics charts).
"Velocity Vector Color" in the Chart Setup will allow selection of the Velocity Vector color.
"Anchor Alarm" accessible from both the iNavX main menu and the "Instruments" banner and view Setup.
"Anchor" button in the "Anchor Alarm" will allow one to set the center position of the anchor alarm at a specific distance and bearing from the current position to compensate for anchor location.
Improved GRIB plotting when zoomed out.
"Open Chart As PDF" in the Chart "i"nfo view allows viewing the Chart in any app that supports PDF viewing (i.e. iBooks, GoodReader).
"Record" on the Track view allows selection of the track recording resolution. The lower the resolution the more track points that are stored.
"Transfer" button on the TCP/IP NMEA client will send waypoints (via $GPWPL NMEA sentence) to host/port. iPad only.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
First, thanks for the update. I am psyched about the ability to change the frequency of the track update. 10 seconds was way too fast for me :-) I can't see what the frequency of the new "High/Med/Low" (10/5/1min?)is. Can you advise. Thanks and keep up the good work!
The track recoding is done on distance changed. 5,000 points over a selected distance:

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
The feature update says there is a transfer button for waypoints on the nmea tcpip client screen. I have downloaded 3.30 but I still cannot see it. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Please help.
Confirm you are using an iPad. Also the "Transfer" button will not display until a connection to your NMEA IP Server is made. When the "Transfer" button is selected, the NMEA monitor will show the waypoint transfer log.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for the quick response. I can confirm that I do have an Ipad2 with 3G. I have an Imux ST on my boat and I am hoping to upload waypoints to a Garmin 620 chartplotter. I have not tried this on the yacht yet, but if I connect over the internet to inavx.web-ais.net for testing, I still cannot see a Transfer button. Should I be seeing it in this situation?
No. You cannot transfer waypoints to a public AIS server and as such the "Transfer" button is not available. You will see the "Transfer" button when you connect an Brookhouse iMux or any other private NMEA data server.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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