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Title: MacENC on iPhone
From the preliminary info available for iPhone I believe MacENC will be able to run on the new iPhone! This is very exciting.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 2:53 am Post subject: MacENC on iPhone
From the preliminary info available for iPhone I believe MacENC will be able to run on the new iPhone! This is very exciting.

From MacRumors.com"
Quote: The question on the minds of many developers now that this new stripped down version of OS X will be made available is... can I develop applications for it? So far, the answer has been "no comment" from Apple. However, an interesting note is that the iPhone's display is extremely high-resolution (160 ppi). At WWDC 2006, Apple told developers to begin making their applications "resolution independent," a fact that may come to bear should Apple decide to distribute a software development kit.

So, is MacENC "resolution independent," yet? Or are there other issues that might need tweaking as well?
MacENC is resolution independent (Quartz) & architecture independent (PPC or intel). MacENC is developed in ObjC/Cocoa (The toolkit for all professional grade Mac OS X applications). Of course Mac OS X apps will not run on the iPhone as is. They will need to be recompiled and adapted to the new user interface (touch) available on the iPhone.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
GPSNavX Wrote:From the preliminary info available for iPhone I believe MacENC will be able to run on the new iPhone! This is very exciting.

Wow MacENC on the iPhone! Good good! With Google satellite maps/images as marine charts?

I'm impressed by the iPhone. It's just the PDA I ever wanted!
It has a great display, WiFi, Bluetooth and a great OS.

I can't wait until it is available here in Europe! Unfortunately by then sailing season will be over here :-(
Google Maps are not usable as marine charts (i hope no one is navigating their boat with them!!). A MacENC version for iPhone would use S-57/S-63 ENC charts. Because the iPhone only has 8GB of storage it would be a challenge to keep many raster charts on it.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Quote:i hope no one is navigating their boat with them (Google Maps)!!

No, but they're fine for checking the satellite pictures of harbors or to send the tracking kml file to friends/family so they can follow where one is sailing.

Quote:Because the iPhone only has 8GB of storage it would be a challenge to keep many raster charts on it.

But doesn't the iPhone have an SD slot on one side? That way one could expand memory to several more GB.
GPSNavX Wrote:From the preliminary info available for iPhone I believe MacENC will be able to run on the new iPhone! This is very exciting.

On Macrumors I found this statement:


Quote:According to Engadget, the iPhone is not open to 3rd party development at this time. Only Apple is providing (built-in) applications for the device.

But by the time the iPhone is available 3rd party apps will be available too. Because using OS X for a phone doesn't make sense if no one can port apps to it. Right?
Assuming one has an internet connection. While wifi and cell phone coverage continues to expand, one cannot assume they will have access to Google maps. Even so Google Maps are fine for sharing with friends (i.e.) KML files, but should under no circumstances be used for real-time marine navigation.

Can't speak to expanding iPhone capability. Also this is just iPhone 1.0. One can expect more capability in future versions.

OS X could be the biggest OS if the phone really takes off. Who knew?

Last time I checked Engadet was not a premier member of ADC.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

It looks like 3rd party apps on the iPhone are very limited!

I think Apple will come up later with a PocketMac or even a Gameboy Mac, why should they have ported OS X for mobile devices. The handy market does have huge competitors.
Looking like a MacENC on the first iPhone will probably not happen..
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Quote:Looking like a MacENC on the first iPhone will probably not happen..

Apple is probably reconsidering 3rd party applications for the iPhone:


Quote:Jobs did acknowledge that the company is still struggling to decide if third-party developers will be able to create software that will run on the iPhone. It’s a decision Apple “is wrestling with,” according to Jobs.
Built-in GPS has got to be on the list for future iPhone.

Bearing in mind that iPhoto already has the coding for LAT/LONG and Google Maps will be available from the launch too.

BTW, did you see this:

iPhone developer kit at WWDC?

It seems that porting 3rd party applications to iPhone becomes more and more real!

It definetly seems that MacENC won't make it to the iPhone at the moment!
The new Safari in OS X 10.5 will allow for Widget like apps to be programmed via Web 2 and AJAX to run inside Safari on the iPhone!
No SDK needed or available!

More infos here

Actually MacENC will run on the iPhone or for that matter any web browser. It will run as a client to the MacENC OS X application. What this means is you can have MacENC running on your Mac down below and have an iPhone in the cockpit and bring up MacENC remote on the iPhone Safari web browser. You will see the same things you see on the MacENC application (i.e. the Chart, GPS position, waypoints, etc.)

MacENC remote will be included with a future version of MacENC. All registered MacENC users will receive it at no additional cost.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Quote:Actually MacENC will run on the iPhone or for that matter any web browser.

Wow that sounds great! So it works somehow like VNC? At first i thought MacENC would have to be reprogrammed as a new application to run on the iPhone.

So this should work with any Wifi capable device and webbrowser?
Palms, Zaurus, Smartphones with Wifi?

(I've tried it witn VNC and my Zaurus PDA.)

But I prefer the iPhone it's much more responsive.

Can one only view the MacENC application or will it be possible to interact, like scrolling the map etc?



While I am sure the iPhone is a great device, I am quickly tiring of all the media coverage of no substance. In a couple weeks no one will care.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Hi Rich,

How's the MacENC Remote support coming along? At the moment, I'm using VNC on my Nokia phone, but it's not ideal.
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
Now that the iPhone SDK has been released I believe an ENC application on the iPhone and iPod Touch is possible. In fact the location (using cell towers) API has been exposed. Stay tuned.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
GPSNavX Wrote:Now that the iPhone SDK has been released I believe an ENC application on the iPhone and iPod Touch is possible. In fact the location (using cell towers) API has been exposed. Stay tuned.

Great to hear!! At the moment I use VNC on my iPhone!
While waiting for the real thing you might want to try vnsea on your iPhone.

This iPhone app lets you control your mac offside acting as a touchpad with iphone functionality, but it also shares the same window. Use ducktape to tape your iPhone onto your ibook and you will have an airbook ;-).

Functionality is a bit moderate especially touching an object at the edges, but it allows you to scroll and zoom. All other actions are in my opinion dangerous to use while navigating.

Have fun
Seems Apple is turning down most developers..

Quote:Dear Registered iPhone Developer,

Thank you for expressing interest in the iPhone Developer Program. We have received your enrollment request. As this time, the iPhone Developer Program is available to a limited number of developers and we plan to expand during the beta period. We will contact you again regarding your enrollment status at the appropriate time.

Thank you for applying.

Best regards,

iPhone Developer Program

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Received this..

"Thank you for contacting Apple Developer Technical Support...

POSIX is present in the iPhone SDK, Bluetooth access is not part of the iPhone SDK."

So any iPhone nav app will have to use an integrated positional device.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Could use NMEA streaming over wifi.. with an serial > ethernet bridge..
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
We will support real-time positional data by all means available - wifi, cell-towers, GPS receiver.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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