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Title: DSC in MacENC and/or GPSNavX
GPSNavX wrote:
Quote:At this time GPSNavX nor MacENC process NMEA DSC messages. Something I could add if there is any demand. I assume in the event of a DSC message a new waypoint where the distressed vessel is could be created? Any feedback as to how the response to each NMEA DSC message should be handled would be very helpful.

I started a new thread for this topic since, IMHO, the addition of DSC information to either GPSNavX or MacENC would be usefull in many respects.

As DSC becomes more prevalent, it would allow us to pinpoint vessels in distress by automatically creating waypoints using the calling vessel's MMSI number, location, and time at location (at least for the emergency, urgent, and safety calls). Perhaps the calls can be enabled or disabled from either the GPS or Instruments menu.

Information on DSC can be found here:
I think DSC would be a great feature for MacENC. I have an old Standard Horizon Spectrum+ VHF and a SH chart plotter which work together beautifully with DSC.

From the stand point of operation, this old system is a pretty good model. On an incoming emergency DSC, the plotter prompts you that it has received a distress and asks if you want to plot a course for the signal. If you are on auto pilot, selecting "Yes" automatically turns the boat in that direction.

Of course, for communications, the nifty thing is finding your friends location by "position requesting" them via DSC and having the response plotted on the chart. It's all pretty automatic and something I would love to see put into MacENC.
DSC would be great to have in GPSNavX or MacENC.

In Europe more and more countries have to use DSC if one wants to go on sea.
DSC is a must in inland waters too in Netherlands.

There are plans that AIS will follow too with much more infos like weather data, making NavTex obsolete.
Nereus Wrote:From the stand point of operation, this old system is a pretty good model. On an incoming emergency DSC, the plotter prompts you that it has received a distress and asks if you want to plot a course for the signal. If you are on auto pilot, selecting "Yes" automatically turns the boat in that direction.

That sounds like the MOB function many Windows based navigation apps do have.
http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/marcomms/gmdss/dsc.htm has, way down in the document, a lot of useful stuff of interest to those struggling with what would be useful in MacENC:

Quote:The new Universal Shipborne Automatic Identification System will be backwards compatible to DSC, allowing countries having GMDSS A1 areas to establish AIS operating frequencies, and additionally identify and track vessels equipped with AIS. More importantly the same nine digit identity (MMSI) used in DSC for calling is used by the AIS in identifying vessels.
Classes of Digital Selective Calling
DSC is NOT officially used on inland waters in the netherlands!!! The coastguard may still respond to an DSC distress call from inland waters but is not obliged to do so!!

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