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Title: Waypoint Info Box
There has been a previous thread about having the yellow waypoint # box display more information. I am just now playing with the demo version of GPSNavX and am finding that it would be nice to have the option of having the box disappear somehow while retaining the waypoint itself and route. Perhaps the waypoint info could show as the cursor rolled over it or with a modifier key/click. When I have several waypoints close together, for instance in a tight winding passage, the boxes can cover a lot of valuable information (rocks, kelp, etc.). Or, alternatively, could the box and waypoint # have a transparent option?

Thanks. Great procuct, BTW. When I upgrade to a new Core/Duo machine, I suspect it will be a lot quicker and I will probably consider MacENC at that time.
Jerry Richter
Bristol 27, Outside Time
The "Show" menu item on the "Waypoints" menu, when unchecked will hide any waypoints that are not part of the selected route. The "Show Selected Route" menu item on the "Routes" menu, when unchecked will not display the selected route. The "Show" check box in the Waypoints window when unchecked will turn off the display of any individual waypoint assuming they are not part of the selected route.

I will consider adding some transparency to the waypoints. Easy to do.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I wouldn't want to hide the point itself, just the box. As you say, the "show" commands hide the entire point, I think.

Jerry Richter
Bristol 27, Outside Time
I'd vote for the "rollover" option of displaying the waypoint label. Keeping the basic waypoint symbol visible is desirable, with an option of popping up the label display with a mouseover.

Including the option of bearing and distance to next waypoint in the label would be very useful, especially if it is not cluttering up the chart display until a deliberate mouseover reveals it.

I also vote for bearing & distance to the next waypoint be included in the info box after the waypoint #. This was a nice feature in the old OS9 MavimaQ which when you printed the chart & route, you could see this without other windows clutering up the chart. GPSNavX & MacENC is the best, but this is one thing that I still use from the Os9 NavimaQ for this particular feature. I still use GPSNavX & MacENC for everything else, except for this feature. Why can't the yellow box include this?

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