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Title: Radar targets on MacEnc
I'm new to Mac and just purchased MacEnc. I started reading the help files in MacEnc and came across the AIS/Radar page. The next big project aboard the boat will be to replace the twenty year old Furuno 1800 radar. Can anyone suggest a brand/model radar that is known to output NMEA compatible data with this MacEnc feature? It would be great to have radar information on the chart, (and in the cockpit).

Can the output from the radar be sent to a multiplexer like the "Shipmodul, Miniplex 42-bt" and passed on to the computer via Bluetooth? I assume all data sent to the Miniplex must be sent at the same speed.
You want to look for a RADAR that supports these NMEA sentences: $RARSD, $RATLL, and $RATTM.

Yes the output from the RADAR can be sent to a multiplexer. The connection the multiplexer has to the Mac can be RS232, USB, Bluetooth or IP. That connection rate is independent of the NMEA data rate.

The Shipmodul Miniplex-42BT can accept three NMEA data inputs at 4800 and one other (AIS) at 38,400. It works very well with MacENC.

We offer a Miniplex configuration tool for Mac OS X.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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