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Title: GPSNavX and Vesper 8000
Hi there.
I have bought a Vesper 8000 AIS Transponder. I know the parameters to set, so GPSNavX can see it using WiFi: I just can't find where in the app to put those parameters!

Can anyone help? I've searched, but can't find a guide.

Hi Eamonn,

It's been quite a while since I used GPSNavX but perhaps it is similar enough to the MacENC application.

If there is a menu called "AIS/Radar", select "Connect" from it. Then click the "Settings" button in the AIS/Radar dialog box.

Hope that works for you.

— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

Thanks Jon.

Yep, I found that. There's an option for IP Only, but it doesn't request an IP address for the Vesper.

I'm wondering if I have an up to date version of GPSNavX now.

Hi Eamonn,

It looks like you can set the AIS to the same port that the GPS or Instruments are using and setup the IP address and port number for that. Here's a quote from the MacENC help:

Quote:In addition to processing NMEA data to/from standard serial NMEA instruments, NMEA data can be received over TCP/IP or UDP/IP connections (client) and NMEA data received in the GPS, AIS/Radar, or Instruments panels can be sent to TCP/IP (server).

The TCP/IP window is accessed via "TCP/IP" on the "GPS" menu.

As a TCP/IP client all NMEA data received over a host (IP address or name) and port is routed into the GPS panel. Once a valid host and port is entered selecting the "Enable" button will allow processing of NMEA data. The Client status indicator will turn yellow as the connection is made, and green once the connection is established. If it is desired to have the NMEA data processed in the AIS/Radar and/or Instruments panels then select "Use GPS Port" in the respective panel Settings drawer. If a "Repeat To" port is selected in the GPS panel Settings drawer, the received NMEA data will be repeated to that port (assuming "Autopilot Only" is not selected). In the GPS panel Settings drawer, the "Type" of "IP Only" can be selected indicating that NMEA data will only be received via IP and no connection will be made to a serial port.

However, this may not be available in GPSNavX. In which case, the AIS must use NMEA 0183 wiring using either a serial adapter or a USB/WiFi Multiplexer:

Quote:An AIS (Automatic Identification System) receiver or RADAR can be connected to your Mac. The NMEA data can come through a serial port such as the Keyspan High Speed Serial Adapter.
— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

Thanks again Jon,
It looks as if this is not available on GPSNavX, per the attached screenshot of options in GPS configuration....

I will investigate upgrading to MacEnc - looks like the only option...

I tried to send a message to the GPSNavX guys via their website, but it doesn't look as if their messaging system is working. Traffic on here is slow - is this a fading product, do you think?

It's tough to say. The new owners are focusing all their attention on iNavX so far. You can try to raise them by email:
iNavX <ios-support@inavx.com>

As for switching to MacENC, the main drawback is reinvesting in new charts for your region. Yes, it can probably use your existing raster charts but it really shines with ENC charts from Navionics, NOAA, and others.

Only you can judge whether it's worth changing just to connect the Vesper unit.

— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth


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