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Title: Waypoint Name Display MacENC
Why do some (only some) of the waypoints in a route contain the Lat/Lon in the list of the waypoints in a route. I entered less than sixteen characters and the list of waypoints in the waypoint window shows that. My concern is Raymarine doesn't allow more than sixteen characters in their MFDs and will reject the .gpx transfer if there are more than sixteen characters.
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 Jon Longworth

What does bump mean?
"bump" simply moves your post to the top so that others can see it (over unwanted spam messages.)

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 Jon Longworth

Tangerine Moon

Sorry for this delayed response to your question.

Place your cursor on the vertical bar just to the left of the word "Bearing" in the Routes dialog window. Click and hold the mouse button and then drag to the right. This will move the bearing and distance columns over to the right providing more space to display the lat/lon data. (If needed, increase the width of the Routes dialog window by dragging the bottom right corner to the right.)

Hope this solves your issue.

— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

Tangerine Moon

Sorry for this delayed response to your question.

Place your cursor on the vertical bar just to the left of the word "Bearing" in the Routes dialog window. Click and hold the mouse button and then drag to the right. This will move the bearing and distance columns over to the right providing more space to display the lat/lon data. (If needed, increase the width of the Routes dialog window by dragging the bottom right corner to the right.)

Hope this solves your issue.

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 Jon Longworth

The lat/lon values are truncated because the routes window is not wide enough. You can increase the width by using these instructions:

Place your cursor on the vertical bar just to the left of the word "Bearing" in the Routes dialog window. Click and hold the mouse button and then drag to the right. This will move the bearing and distance columns over to the right providing more space to display the lat/lon data. (If needed, increase the width of the Routes dialog window by dragging the bottom right corner to the right.)
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 Jon Longworth

Move post to top of list.
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 Jon Longworth

These appear to be a an automatic response because it's identical other responses. It still doesn't address my issue.

I probably didn't explain my question clearly.

My concern is that Lat/Lon appears to be part of the name given a waypoint in the routes window. In the waypoint window the name doesn't add the Lat/Lon to the name I've given the waypoint.

Raymarine doesn't allow more than 16 characters in a name so when I see that the name display in the route window contains the Lat/Lon, I question if my naming of a waypoint (less than 16 characters) is what the waypoint is really named or has MacENC added the Lat/Lon to the name taking me way over 16 characters.

Again, the waypoint window is correctly displays what I've named the waypoint. The Routes window does not.

Please see the attached document on my first post.

Thank you
I did look at your screen shot. The latitude and longitude values are not part of the waypoint name. They are displayed after the waypoint name and before the bearing. They have been truncated because you have not provided enough space to display them properly.

If you have added a description to your waypoints, it will be displayed after the lat/lon and before the bearing once you make the routes window wide enough. The description is not part of the waypoint name either.
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 Jon Longworth

If you still have doubts about this, select your route and transfer it as file CSV... (routes menu). Open the exported csv file in Numbers or Excel.

The waypoint names in the exported CSV file will be in the first column (with only 16 characters if that is what you entered) followed by latitude, longitude and description in their separate columns.
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 Jon Longworth

Move to the top of list.
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 Jon Longworth

Doing that proved I have only 16 or less characters in the waypoint name.
You're welcome.
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 Jon Longworth

move post ahead of spam.
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 Jon Longworth


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