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Title: Globalstar connection
Sad Need help bigtime! Anyone have any experience using a Globalstar phone, a Mac (PowerBook G4, OS 10) and Ocens Mail? I used it for a year on my PC, bought all the new Mac versions for my PowerBook, Keyspan U
SB adaptor, etc., followed all the directions, have uninstalled, reinstalled but can't get the Mac and the phone to talk. Any advice deeply appreciated, as we cast off Jan. 1.

Also curious if we can't solve this here whether anyone is or knows a Mac expert in the St. Thomas, USVI area who could troubleshoot this for me.

Thanks in advance.
Tony Curtis
I have heard that there are big problems with the Globalstar sats and system to the point of going under. MaxGate does have a Satmon piece which will track sat availabilty and send the email at an appropriate time.
It's a very frustrating system. But I hadn't heard the going under part. They claim to be spending millions on their satellites. I have satmon, and I wasn't aware that that's what it does. Thank you.
Tony Curtis
marsters Wrote:can't get the Mac and the phone to talk.
BTW, to the best of my knowledge, Satmon is a passive app and does not interact with any others in terms of sending or receiving mail
The going under part was just a rumor I heard and from friend's experience I can see why.
As far as the satmon, here is a personal communication from Luis himself....

"Sounds like your neighbor needs to purchase xgate. I cant imagine trying to use globalstar without XGate. Globalstar users really need the use of the satellite monitor with the GO button on it. Not sure if you have tried that feature. The satmon monitors the signal strength and when its solid for 30 seconds then presses the go button for you. This feature is indispensable for globalstar users."

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