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Title: MacEnc and GPS NavX Are No More
from Francis's blog..

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MacENC and GPSNavX disappear forever
19 March 2019 Francis | 5 Comments
Since 30 September 2018 (*), I already had information regarding the abandonment NAVX Studio LLC for the development of two historical applications created by Richard Ray : GPSNavX and MacENC. The buyers of these applications and iNavX had clearly announced focuse only to the development of iNavX, on iOS and Android. It is likely that applications on Mac no longer had any profitability, especially with the loss of Navionics charts for MacENC.

The announcement is now official, GPSNavX is permanently removed from the AppStore and MacENC will be removed from sale on iNavX website :

“Just a heads up on the future of MacENC. [The app] MacENC will not receive any future updates and it will be taken off the market sometime this week. As long as you do not update your Macintosh computer to Mojave, it should continue to function pretty well. However, it is very limited on computers using Mac OS X Mojave.
MacENC Support”

That is. It now remains for Mac only OpenCPN, which is far from the ergonomics and professional quality had yet MacENC. It's really sad !
Very sad indeed.

I have upgraded my Mac to Mojave and not seen any problems yet, during passage planning. I have not yet had opportunity to try actual data input from my NMEA2000 network a I am away from the boat. Does anyone know what does not work under Mojave, please? I don't want to arrive on board and find no navigation!

[I am well aware MacENC will not work at all under whatever follows Mojave.]
Raster charts will no load. ENC appear to be OK...for now. 
Actually as Mojave evolves toward a 64 bit OS all 32 bit applications will become inop. I have switched to OpenCPN.
Hopefully BoatLogix will be able at some point in the future "sync" with OpenCPN.

Make sure either FileMaker Pro Advanced or your Runtime app can access MacENC and other resources (System Preferences>Security & Privacy>Privacy>Automation).  This extra security measure was added in macOS Mojave
— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

Arg I'm sad to hear this.
So my old Macbook Air from 2011 can't be upgraded to macos Mojave so MacENC still works but with issues. Don't have the latest version and I don't want to pay a complete app. 

But perhaps we will see iNavX on macOS 10.15, with Marzipan making porting iOS apps do Mac much more easier.

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