July 6, 2005 03:31
Hi everybody,
A large comparison between Mr Tides and the french hydrographic service (SHOM) for hours and heights of tides in different harbours of the Channel and Biscay coasts comes as follow :
- For all locations :
Max difference hours : +/- 6 minutes
Max difference heigths: +/- 10 cm
- Warning - Saint-Nazaire :
A large difference of heights : 40 to 50 cm more in Mr Tides than SHOM.
The reason is that, in 2001, the chart datum of the area was changed up to 30 cm.
This probably explains this great difference.
A large comparison between Mr Tides and the french hydrographic service (SHOM) for hours and heights of tides in different harbours of the Channel and Biscay coasts comes as follow :
- For all locations :
Max difference hours : +/- 6 minutes
Max difference heigths: +/- 10 cm
- Warning - Saint-Nazaire :
A large difference of heights : 40 to 50 cm more in Mr Tides than SHOM.
The reason is that, in 2001, the chart datum of the area was changed up to 30 cm.
This probably explains this great difference.