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Title: AyeTides
AyeTides is Mr. Tides for the iPhone. I'm still in the process of getting approved by Apple for the Developer program, but the website is up at http://www.ayetides.com/ so you can see what the app looks like. I wrote the site using iWeb so it's a little funky, sorry about that.

As soon as I get approved by Apple and get a chance to test it on a real iPhone and not just the simulator, I'll be sending it to Apple for the App Store. I'm thinking of pricing it around $14.99.

As for the name, I'm thinking 1/3 will go "huh?", 1/3 will laugh, and 1/3 will groan at the pun Smile
Cool, August. Looking forward to that. Particularly like that it does not require internet access.
Jerry Richter
Bristol 27, Outside Time
Yes I like that too. Not all the time will a sailor or beachcomber be in range of a cell tower or WiFi hot spot, so having AyeTides be independent of the net is good.

An update: I've been approved by Apple and I'm working now on the certificates and permissions etc. that are needed to get the application to actually install on an iPhone. This is turning out to be a little more complicated than expected (read: I haven't gotten it to work yet!) so AyeTides is still pending.

However, I am making progress and hopefully will have it ready soon. It all depends on when I can get it to install on an actual iPhone so I can test it. As soon as I know more I'll update this post.


That's great news. iNavX will be shipping very shortly as soon as I can get my hands on (i.e. buy) an iPhone 3G. iNavX is running great on iPod Touch and iPhone 1.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
August...this is the best news! looking forward to the program...will grab it the minute it is "in the store"!
Me too. I'll definitely be adding this to my apps! I just wish Apple would stop being so controlling and release apps quicker!!
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
AyeTides should be sent to Apple today. All the testing is done, the app works as expected, and it's better than the free tides app that showed up yesterday. I'm excited to get it into your hands!

If Rich's experience is typical, it should be approved by the end of the week. I'll post here and email everyone who's asked me about it when it's there.

iNavX 1.0.1. was submitted to Apple today. It has a "Tides" button to launch AyeTides (if installed) and display a list of nearest stations.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
AyeTides has been submitted to the App Store. It's still in review but I'm hoping it won't be long before it's out.

I'll post here and email everyone who's asked for it when it's available.

AyeTides has been rejected by Apple because a trash can button deleted all the favorites (and be inference, all the recent stations) and they said it should only delete one. So now I have to recode those two pages so that you can delete individual stations instead of all of them. Truly petty in my mind (isn't this what updates are for?) but Apple controls the keys so I guess I'll have to bow down to their desires.

I'll post more when I resubmit the application.
Ok, well, I changed the application to what Apple wanted and resubmitted it to them. Hopefully it won't take another 10 days for them to approve this version.

I changed two things: the favorites now allows you to delete individual stations, and the recents asks if you want to clear the entire list.

I hope these changes meet with Apple's approval. I also wish I knew more about what their criteria are for approving applications!

Thanks for the update. I know all iNavX users are excited to get AyeTides.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Since retiring from a global technology company I've fought hard the urge to add 'techo-toys'. So far I've been reasonably successful (I do have my toys...) HOWEVER, a $199 iPhone (about the cost of my ipod!), with iNavX, and soon with AyeTides... [color:red]Ohhh, I can hear the sirens calling. Better tie me to the mast!!![/color]
AyeTides is now available at the iTunes App Store!! http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSto...16432&mt=8

AyeTides is $14.99 and offers multiple methods of searching for stations, can search near your location, text display of highs and lows (and slacks for current stations), the current value of the tide or current, and a graph view when you rotate the iPhone. It has over 9300 stations (both currents and tides) and doesn't need web access.

It works on both the iPhone and iPod Touch, and comes in French, German, Spanish, Dutch, and Norwegian (and if you can read those languages, let me know if my translations are ok or not!)

My website for AyeTides is at http://www.ayetides.com/
Support email is at support@ayetides.com

If you buy AyeTides, please consider writing a review of it. There are some who review based solely upon price (as if everything should be free) and I'd like people who actually use the app to have their say. And if you decide to not write a review, that's ok too. I hope you are pleased with AyeTides, and I welcome any and all feedback, comments, etc.

Very very nice (and I did a review on AppStore for you). Much much better than the bug-ridden free Tides program also available from the AppStore (which locked up my GPS for a week).

AyeTides is simple and easy to use, and I do like the feature that toggles between graph and table view.

Since I went from Palm Treo to iPhone, I've been mourning the loss of TideTool. This is better.

Also like how it's independent of phone networks, so all the data is there when I need it.

Now if you guys can just get iNavX out there for the rest of us and I can seriously tell all my sailor friends to get an iPhone!
Just as with MacENC and Mr. Tides, iNavX and AyeTides are a perfect pairing. Thanks to Rich and August for your work on both. You're making life on the water that much safer and more convenient.

After a couple of days of real-world use with AyeTides, I have a couple of observations.

1) On the Station page, I really like the idea of the gray, black, red color coding for past, previous, and next events. On my iPhone, however, the gray is barely distinguishable from the black, and I would like to see a bit more contrast between the two. It would make a good idea that much usable.

2) As was commented in an App store review, it would be helpful to have the date listed on every station screen. The date are shown when you swipe to past and future events, but I would like to see it posted on the current station screen as well, for simple reinforcement and continuity. When you switch to graph mode (which I use all the time) the dates are not listed at all, which can be a bit disorienting, particularly when you move forward or back in time.

But overall, these are small quibbles for a fine piece of work.

Life is a journey, not a guided tour.
1.0.2, which I hope to submit to Apple on Monday, adds the date to the graph view and also puts it on the text view for today, because I realized that 'today' is a flexible concept and what's today to the station is not necessarily today to the user.

I've also fixed the bug with swiping in landscape mode, and you can now rearrange Favorites.

I'll take a look at the color issue on the text view and see what I can do to make things clearer.

is this available worldwide or just the US iTunes store??

been looking for it in the UK iTunes but can't find it
Right now AyeTides is the very first listing in the 'Navigation' section of the UK iTunes app store or here..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
GPSNavX Wrote:Right now AyeTides is the very first listing in the 'Navigation' section of the UK iTunes app store or here..


it is indeed! and now its the very first icon on my iphone !

happy days!

roll on iNavX_UK
This is a great application for an itouch or iphone but, as has been said on the itunes site, I do not see how anyone is going to be tempted in the UK if they do not have a list of the areas (stations) covered. I live in Jersey in the Channel Islands, which is a very popular boating area off the coast of Normandy and Brittany but I would not try this application unless I knew that it has Jersey and possibly these areas included.

Please don't get me wrong, I very much admire your efforts on this application and well done but I am sure that you see what I mean.
I did try to get a 'lite' version approved through Apple and they rejected it as I didn't allow access to all stations. You could browse the list and see the names, but not select them and this wasn't acceptable to Apple. Everything else worked, and you could play around with a few stations so I thought it would be ok. I was wrong.

I'm still not sure how I can post all 9300+ names on the web site without it being a real mess, but I guess I'll have to look into doing this.
It's a momentous task to satisfy everyone! Maybe you should enter into a joint venture with a suitable person in the UK.
I have permission from the UKHO to use some of their stations' harmonics but the ones they release to the public are almost worthless. There are only 6 constants listed, 2 of which I'm not sure which ones they are, and the results don't match what the UKHO's website says. Not even close! I'm going to contact them and see if they have better constants available somewhere else. Once I know for sure then I can write a UK-only version of AyeTides, with their constants, but until I get better data I feel it would be a problem, both for you and for me, to release it.

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