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Title: NMEA over IP
Feature request:
When switching from marina wi-fi to ad-hoc wi-fi it is time consuming to go and find out the IP address of the host. If I quit MacENC and re-launch it it picks up the address in the NMEA over IP setup OK. Can a small button be added to that dialog that refreshes the host address? This will eliminate going to the network control panel or quitting/launching MacENC.

Yes will make the TCP/IP host update each time the panel is activated. Simple change.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Won't get THAT service from Maxsea...
Does Maxsea support NMEA over IP?

I know Coastal Explorer, Expedition, GPSGate do, but if you know others that do please reply.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Not a clue. I dumped Maxsea several years ago and haven't regretted it. I was talking about the support responsiveness.

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