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Title: AyeTides 1.1 is available
A maintenance release mostly, bug fixes and a couple of user suggestions:

Added the date the text and graphical views.
Added the direction of the current to the text view.
Added the ability to organize the list of favorites.
Set the Nearest list to continuously updating the location, while the list is open.
Updated French and German translations.
Fixed a bug with swiping in landscape mode.
Fixed some display problems when searching the list in alphabetical order.
AyeTides 1.1.1 is coming, there's a bug in 1.1 that makes minus tides not show up with a minus sign in front of them. D'oh! Egg on face. Hope to have the update approved soon, but that's up to Apple.

Many apologies!
Hello, Nice app. Handy to see all of the extra intermediate stations with currents data. The start-up page seems a little bit clunky requiring extra steps to navigate to recent or favorite stations. I would really like to see a list of "Favorite" stations in the start-up page along with the last visited station and a button to find nearest. Maybe a user customized start up page?

I'm thinking of moving favorites to the main page, and having 3 (instead of 1) recent station there. Moving the favorites is easy, adding 2 more recents might be harder - I'll code it up and see.

AyeTides 1.11 is now available. The major change is the bug fix to show minus tides as, well, less than zero! Oops.
Well I just downloaded AyeTides 20 minutes ago, pretty cool so far and a new member here.
How useful is this for UK users? I emailed the developer but have had no response. Considering the price compared to other apps, I'd like to be sure it is suitable.

I am based in Chichester, and would like to know if there is local tide data on AyeTides. Also, does it cope with the double high tide at Southampton?

Many thanks


Umm, from the deathly silence, can I assume it's not suitable for the UK?
Philsy Wrote:Umm, from the deathly silence, can I assume it's not suitable for the UK?

I was just wondering that as well!
I'm sorry, I didn't get an email from you about the UK. Hmm wonder where it went to? Oh well...

Anyhow, there are some stations for the UK that are based on data not from the UKHO. They are Avonmouth, Bournemouth, Cromer, Devonport, Dover, Felixstowe, Harwich, Heysham, Hinkley Point, Ilfracombe, Immingham, Liverpool, Lowestoft, Newhaven, Newlyn, Northshields, Portsmouth, Sheerness, St. Marys (Isles of Scilly), Weymouth, Whitby, and Workington.

In Scotland I have Aberdeen, Kinlochbervie, Leith, Lerwick, Millport, Moray Firth, Port Ellen (Islay), Portpatrick, Stornoway, Tobermory, Ullapool, and Wick.

In Wales I have Barmouth, Fishguard, Holyhead, Llandudno, Milford Haven, Mumbles, and Newport.

I have been approved by the UKHO's Copyright office to use their harmonics for more stations (a LOT more stations!), but I have to write a new version of AyeTides (called, for now, AyeTides UK) that will have certain restrictions (such as not viewing more than a year ahead, and only being available on the iTunes UK store) that are not present in AyeTides. I'm also going to have to rewrite the database engine in order to accept the interpreted subordinate stations that the UK uses, and that will take a bit of work. Until I get into the details I won't know how long it will take to do the modifications, then I'll have to create a new harmonics file with the new stations in it.

On the good side, I won't have to do much to modify AyeTides itself to make AyeTides UK, just drop the Geographical list, remove the other harmonics files, and build it. Ah I'm such an optimist Smile

I'll post here and to the blog at www.ayetides.com as I get further along.

Thanks for the reply. That's really good news. I look forward to buying the UK version and telling all my friends about it!

Good luck with it.



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