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Title: colored tracks
Is there a way to color a track after it has been loaded from a Garmin GPS in gpx format?

On my MacENC the track shows in white, making it difficult to see.
I believe any imported tracks assume the color that has been chosen in the Track/Color palette at the time the import happens

More info on Tracks and Color is available in the Help menu
I just tried it again. Even though tracks are set to red, they import as white.
huh....I just did multiple imports of the same .gpx file with a different color each time, successfully.

try delete all, change your color and then do the import again...

screenshots attached...the yellow track is hard to see...sorry
I found that if i export the track to a CSV file with red selected and then import again it shows as red.

It depends on the GPX file. Some have color defined, and if so MacENC will use the color in the GPX file. Otherwise it will use the selected color in MacENC.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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