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Title: AIS Filter
It seems that more and more smaller boats are getting AIS transmitters, and the screen is getting quite cluttered when sailing in restricted waters such as San Francisco Bay. The only filter offered is to suppress displaying stationary vessels.

Inasmuch as what I really care about in restricted waters are ships that cannot maneuver to avoid me, would it be possible to implement a filter to, for example, suppress displaying vessels less than a certain length?

I know this is becoming an issue, but I for one would be uncomfortable with any filtering. From seeing other ships it sounds good, but thinking my own visible could be filtered out... however, maybe a color coding for different sized vessels (possible user adjustible) to make larger ships stand out? Maybe even different sized icons.
MacENC has two sizes for AIS targets: Small for targets under 200' and Large for those 200' and longer.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
JoeS. Wrote:It seems that more and more smaller boats are getting AIS transmitters, and the screen is getting quite cluttered when sailing in restricted waters such as San Francisco Bay. The only filter offered is to suppress displaying stationary vessels.

Inasmuch as what I really care about in restricted waters are ships that cannot maneuver to avoid me, would it be possible to implement a filter to, for example, suppress displaying vessels less than a certain length?


Don't forget, one DOES have the ability to check or uncheck the "Show" box for individual vessels in the AIS panel.

I would also be leery of having the ability to filter any more.
GPSNavX Wrote:MacENC has two sizes for AIS targets: Small for targets under 200' and Large for those 200' and longer.

Ah, you're ahead of me Wink I hadn't noticed (though I also haven't had my AIS on for a while).

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