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Title: Upgrading to MacENC
I have been using GPSnavX for the last few seasons. Great application!

This year I am thinking of upgrading to MacENC. Is ChartWorld the only place to download charts from? It seems strange to be tied to one website for charts.

and to top it off, they tend to go down from time to time (as they are right now). however, other than that I think there are not too many S63 chart sources open to the public.

UK hydrographic office presumably sells charts through resellers, but personally I was unable to find anything accessible online (they have lots of talk and descriptions but no way to buy charts).

Other S63 data servers appear to be geared primarily to commercial and fleet operators and don't have a retail way to sell charts to individuals. YMMV.

In fact, if you find other retail S63 distributors - I'd be interested to know about them.
Yes, the entire cartography (chart producers) reselling industry is still stuck in the old distribution model of in a box, manual and a CD. I am working with Fugawi to move away from that outdated inefficient model and offer charts via downloads via www.x-traverse.com

Over the next months we will be adding more chart sets to www.x-traverse.com

These will work with MacENC (raster and vector) and GPSNavX (raster) and iNavX (raster and vector).

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
iTunes Store would be a good way to download charts.

Yes, but I am not sure customers would want to pay an additional 30% premium for the cut Apple takes. Hence the need to sell the charts external to iTunes.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
GPSNavX Wrote:Yes, but I am not sure customers would want to pay an additional 30% premium for the cut Apple takes. Hence the need to sell the charts external to iTunes.

We might do.

Alternatively, why can't charts be obtained from the MacENC website. Having to go off to another website is a pain in the arse.

We have setup a website now with World Wide Chart Coverage which works with MacENC ..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
They only work with one computer. If you need or decide to replace computer you could be out more than the cost of the computer. It is a predatory business model. It provides for no backup capabilities. No real ownership to trade (as you can with paper charts or most cards. This is the Monsanto system designed to make slaves of the farmers.

It is not in our best interest to support this.

donal Wrote:They only work with one computer. If you need or decide to replace computer you could be out more than the cost of the computer. It is a predatory business model. It provides for no backup capabilities. No real ownership to trade (as you can with paper charts or most cards. This is the Monsanto system designed to make slaves of the farmers.

It is not in our best interest to support this.

If you want to back up purchased charts, just make a copy. If you lose the working copy, just transfer the copies. I agree that there should/could be some method of transferring purchased charts to a REPLACEMENT computer and I'm pretty sure X-Traverse has some mechanism to do so with iPhones, so it probably isn't any great stretch for them to do so with Macs/PCs. If you are really serious about about backup, you would have a second PURCHASED computer with a second PURCHASED set of charts. In today's world, SW is licensed to you, not sold. If everybody was able to "trade" charts, SW providers would soon be out of business.

"Monsanto", "slaves" and "farmers"???? c'mon....
Each chart provider sets their own licensing terms. We urge them to be as flexible as possible. Navionics tends to be quite strict with their data. For example you cannot copy one of their cartridges and expect it to work.

X-Traverse does allow one activation for the Navionics charts, however, one can download the chart for up to twenty four months after activation. Once downloaded, charts from x-traverse can be used without any time restriction.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
<"Monsanto", "slaves" and "farmers"???? c'mon....[/quote]

I can buy and trade paper charts and chart cards when I no longer need them. I can trade books and CDs and DVDs when I'm through. That you can't even move a chart to a new or backup computer is simply anti-customer and anti-safety. And if you don't know what Monsanto is doing with GMO seeds and customers, you need to read wider. Orwellian.
Or maybe you support the US Senator a while back who tried to get a law passed that would make it illegal for the US Government to "give away" weather information, but rather distribute it through for-profit channels only. I'm not against protection. I've spent most of my life selling copyrighted writing and photography on a use rights basis. I have also found government, public domain photos for a client to use, charging only nominally for the research time. I simply think the Navionics' terms, especially when all the truly hard work of charting has been handed to them for nearly free and they have only repackaged the goods, is unreasonable, given the usage. Fortunately, there are other solutions.

I've purchased e-charts from both Chartworld and the Canadian HO, and when I moved to a new laptop I had no trouble getting a new registration number from either.

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